Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yummy flashbacks

One of my favorite childhood memories revisited:  my grandmother's day-after meatloaf sandwich

Last night I made my grandmother's meatloaf for the family.  This always brings back very fond memories of my childhood, not the least of which was the day AFTER sandwiches.  We always kept it simple: bread, Best Foods (or Hellmann's if you're East of the Rockies), and of course a big slab of the meatloaf.  Today I was able to relive a bit of that as I sat down for a bite out of the past.

(post 25/365)


  1. Ummm ... are there anymore leftovers? Love meatloaf sandwiches - EXACTLY the way you described this one!

  2. I wish! I swear that The Boy has a hollow leg sometimes, the way he packs the food away!
