Friday, February 5, 2010

It's baaaacccckkkkk...

Snow returns to Chicago...

After a couple of weeks with (relatively) little to no snow on the ground, the white stuff makes it's return to the Windy City.  Not enough to break out the snow blower yet, but more is predicted on the way.

Have to admit that it's pretty just after a first snowfall.  Then it just sucks.

(post 33/365)


  1. This is one of those unusual times where you got more snow than we did up north! But then, we still have MOUNDS of snow on the ground

  2. Weird how that works, huh? We're supposed to get some significant snow again on Monday into Tuesday.

    I also just realized that 2 of the bricks on that planter are WAY out of line. It'll wait until spring.
